This module shows scrolling horizontally and that we are able to inject modules into the scroll. Note that we have created these modules on a hidden page and then shows them in the module. |
Master Item and Grip Scroll
Drag the image for scrolling. |
Home Company Contact

kXScroll used as Tab
By setting the scroll duration to 0 we can produce a tab look a like module. Why spend money on buying different modules, when you can have all effects in one? |
Keylinx was founded in 2002 by two well experienced software engineers from Gothenburg, Sweden. The founders had several years of experience building applications both with the Internet platform and the Windows platform.
Business Concept
Our concept is to provide our customers with complex systems yet simple to use. We will provide our customers with robust applications with the most modern design.
Our speciality is Content Management Systems and information presentation. We believe that the customer do not need to know anything about web publications, still have the tool to easily keep their web site living and have the most innutive user interface.
Keylinx was founded in 2002 by two well experienced software engineers from Gothenburg, Sweden. The founders had several years of experience building applications both with the Internet platform and the Windows platform.
Business Concept
Our concept is to provide our customers with complex systems yet simple to use. We will provide our customers with robust applications with the most modern design.
Our speciality is Content Management Systems and information presentation. We believe that the customer do not need to know anything about web publications, still have the tool to easily keep their web site living and have the most innutive user interface.
This is the Horizontal News Ticker, that can have various speed and are stopable by hovering the mouse over the content. It also supports various html elements such as font and img  . |