By Tobias (Keylinx) on
Sat, 29 Sep 2007 12:28:04 GMT
A week passes fast. This week we've been occupied by enhancing the gallery module. We have decided to do some more work on that, before releasing it, since there still are some features that we decided to include in the initial release.
There have been some critiscism on our module kXScroll on snowcovered. Actually a bug was found by a customer, so we will try to have a new version out here by the end of next week. We will include some other fixes as well.
Some feedback also stated that our module is not that user friendly and you have to know a lot of HTML to be able to use it. Well being a web master or designer without knowing the basics of HTML is something we did not expect to find among our customers. We will of course take that into consideration and try to provide the module with some more wizards for the most common tasks. We are also investigating how we can inject other DNN Modules in our scroll. That I think would be a very cool feature. Looping the content is also something that is high upon our agenda. Well have a nice weekend!
By Tobias (Keylinx) on
Sun, 23 Sep 2007 00:48:23 GMT
I found some time this afternoon to finish and publish kXPngFix 2.0 and also to publish the Basic version of kXScroll v1.1. The new stuff in kXPngFix is that we now include a script to take care of your png's in CSS background. Thats great news for those who does not want to clutter their CSS files with this filter workaround for IE, or using two CSS files, one for IE and one for all other browsers.
The Basic version of kXScroll has been finished for some time now, but I have not had the time to publish it on snowcovered.
Well check them out!
By Tobias (Keylinx) on
Sat, 22 Sep 2007 02:01:38 GMT
I just added the kXPngFix Module information page and demo today. Everything starts to get together now on this site. In a week or so, we will release the gallery module and also release the v2.0 of kXPngFix. That version will support css-backgrounds png's aswell.
Well another weekend to enjoy, Have a nice one.
By Tobias (Keylinx) on
Thu, 20 Sep 2007 23:16:50 GMT
Yes, its time for another product release. Now it is our gallery module which has been testing as a beta for a while, and now reached release candidate state. I know that this module have some cool features that will be appreciated. The pricing is not decided yet, but we will of course be at a more valuable price than our competitors.
Check out the kXGallery > Demo page.
By Tobias (Keylinx) on
Tue, 18 Sep 2007 17:01:02 GMT
Yesterday I had to make a slight adjustment for the v1.1 of kXScroll. I had missed to adjust the SQL script to support MS SQL Server 2000. So I had to do a fast fix which forced me to put the v1.1 offline at Snowcovered for a moment. Today it is back on. Thanks to Sian for pointing out that there are users running installation on older SQL Server, and since DNN supports 2000, we shall.
I also took the time to work on this site a little bit. Now there is some information about kXScroll under Modules here.
By Tobias (Keylinx) on
Fri, 14 Sep 2007 23:44:45 GMT
Well, finally its out. The v1.1 version of kXScroll. We have just put out the Ultimate version so far, the other is still to come. However I now have to focus on putting this site together with a good demo and information about the module, so people can see what they are buying.
By Tobias (Keylinx) on
Thu, 13 Sep 2007 23:35:20 GMT
I just laid the last hand on the documentation for kXScroll v1.1. So now all there is left to do is to publish the new module on Snowcovered. I think my primary selling channel is Snowcovered for now on. I have tried the DNN Market Place, but I don't think it manage to close so many sales as I wish it would (of course, there can never be enough selling :)).
Mostly I think that the DNN users are now used to go to Snowcovered for finding the right module for their needs. It has been around for a while and customers knows that it works, and furthermore, sellers knows that it works. It has the best features for a seller. Support for Google Analytics for mentioning one thing. Always good to see demographics about your potential customers.
Hopefully DNN Market Place will evolve in the future.
By Tobias (Keylinx) on
Wed, 12 Sep 2007 16:26:55 GMT
Well, for start, my mail server is having a seriously issue. Or the anti-spam guard is a little to good, in fact it blocks all my incoming mail, which forces me to have it turned off. Nothing serious problem, I got about 20-30 mail per day with stunning offerings, all from viagra to cheap software. My thinking is though, do they really manage to attract any potential customers with this crap? Have any one of you ever read a spam mail and then clicked the link or thought: "yes, this is a once in a life time offer, I must buy!"?
Well, I don't think so, however there could be a little bit of humour to start answering those letters :).
By Tobias (Keylinx) on
Tue, 11 Sep 2007 21:16:49 GMT
I just uploaded a new skin to this site. This skin will be able for purchase after a little beta testing. Still though, no name for this skin is decided.
The dog fooding period for kXScroll v1.1 is coming to its end. Soon there will be an update available at Snowcovered and the DotNetNuke Marketplace.
By Tobias (Keylinx) on
Tue, 11 Sep 2007 09:37:30 GMT
Today we upgraded the to v1.1 of kXScroll. A minor issue was detected due to the export of the content in v1.0 related to headings named "<None>". It was misleaded as an xml tag. Watch out for this problem when you upgrade. However it is simple to fix, just open the exported xml-file and add some CDATA tag around it. If you have problem, do not hesitate to use our support.
If everything goes well with the dog fooding we plan to release v1.1 at the middle of the week. Next target is to upgrade kXPngFix and finish off our brand new module kXGallery, which we believe will be a welcomed tool to the DNN Experience. We will also make an effort to straighten up our web pages here with a new skin. Perhaps we will also do some minor fixes to our free skin Evil Skin. So stay tuned, things starts to happen here now!
Now it is time for a well earned sunny weekend. Gothenburg/Sweden is nice this time of the year.
